Motivational letter: why do you want to work here?
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2214207] }}
Are you currently on a Highly Skilled Migrant visa in the Netherlands?*
no answer
If the compliance FRF of an open-loop system shows a massline with an Magnitude of 1E-3 [m/N] at 100 [Hz] and has a known effective stiffness of 10[N/m], what is the mass of the moving system? *
no answer
Please provide your reasoning: *
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2326064] }}
If the compliance FRF of an open-loop system shows a massline with an Magnitude of 1E-2 [m/N] at 31.4 [Hz] and has a known effective stiffness of 1e2 [N/m], what is the mass of the moving system? *
no answer
please provide your reasoning: *
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2326065] }}
Same as last question, but with an known effective stiffness of 1e4 [N/m]? *
no answer
please provide your reasoning: *
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2326068] }}
Do you have any feedback? - were all human and a form only allows for so much.
no answer
{{ formData.questions[2325765] }}